My Story

How I got motivation to start this business

My Story

A few years ago, I hurt my left leg badly when I slipped on some stairs. This made it super hard for me to move around, and I had to spend a whole month just lying-in bed. Back then, I used to work in a hospital, exercise a lot, and take care of my two little kids. The injury forced me to slow down and depend on others, making me feel sad. It took me a long time to get better, and during that time, I realized how important our feet are for our overall health.

Now, let’s jump ahead to today. I’ve learned so much since then and never stop learning. Our feet are like the base of a building, but we often forget to take care of them! As a nurse, my job is to help people stay healthy and avoid getting sick. Even though I focus on foot care, I still look at the whole person. For example, if someone has diabetes, I don’t just check their feet—I also ask about their blood sugar, what they eat, how active they are, and more. It’s like connecting the dots to create a plan to keep them healthy.
I’ve worked in a hospital for over 10 years, but then something exciting happened. I started North London Mobile Foot Care, my very own business! Some people were surprised because they didn’t know nurses could do that. They wondered why I didn’t just work in a hospital. But I wanted to bring foot care directly to people’s homes, making it easier for those who can’t leave. I have all the tools I need, and my goal is to help everyone, not just seniors or people with diabetes. Foot care is for everyone, from kids to older adults. So, here’s my story in a nutshell: I’m passionate about taking care of people’s feet, and I believe that knowledge is power. I want to be your guide on the journey to keeping your feet and your whole body healthy!

Thank you for taking time to read my own story!

 Peter Bian, Foot Care Nurse, Owner